We are a leading organisation developing and growing the evidence base for green exercise and dementia.
In late February 2011 CEO Neil Mapes launched his research which explored the benefits of green exercise with people living with dementia: ‘Living with dementia and connecting with nature—looking back and stepping forwards.’ This research was conducted by Neil whilst being supported by the Clore Social Leadership Programme and as a Visiting Fellow with the University of Essex.
For copies of this research get in touch or click the button below:
This multi-faceted research project included a ‘walking interview’ film of Brian and June. Brian has since passed away but his legacy continues through this work and the many projects and initiatives that his wife June leads and supports. The two short films give us a deeper insight into the importance and benefits of green exercise for Brian and June.

If you are a publisher or researcher wishing to focus on green exercise and dementia, please get in touch.