Penny cares for her Mum, Rosemary, who has Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. Together, they have been on three of our supported dementia holidays. Penny describes the benefits the holidays have had for them both,
“Just prior to our last holiday, Mum had a dip in her condition and I was concerned it might make the holiday difficult. However, I knew that the DA team would be skilled to deal with it and that was huge peace of mind for me. Mum loves the activities on the holidays. She doesn’t always remember the details of what we have done, but she knows she’s done something she really enjoyed and she feels happy.
For me, it’s great to be with people who really understand the day-to-day dementia experience, in particular, the other carers on the holiday. We exchange tips and share knowledge. Our group leader was another an invaluable source of information on ways I could to help Mum once we got home.”
The Dementia Adventure team know that Rosemary is a musician and arranged for her to play the piano at Holkham Hall in Norfolk this year.
“It was the most beautiful Steinway grand piano, positioned in the large reception area. She played some pieces from memory, which she has spent a long time telling me she could no longer do, so that was priceless. She drew a crowd, was applauded afterwards and people saying how much they had enjoyed her playing. It gave her so much confidence.”
The holidays give Penny and Rosemary so much more than a few days away, they equip them both to cope with life back at home too,
“Though she may not remember the details of the holiday it has given mum a boost. With all the tips given, I have renewed energy to find the right kind of additional support for Mum so she can continue living at home for as long as possible.”
Find out more about our supported holidays.